IMPRINT+ Pilot Project under scientific preparation



IMPRINT+ will help young citizens learn how to estimate the ecological footprint of daily action and how to compensate, locally, for those impacts. In order to organize compensation measures and hands-on activities, a pilot program is being developed in the Municipality of Lousada (Portugal), involving the local administration, schools and students.

Potential areas for intervention are being characterized in the municipality, and inventories of fauna, flora and habitats are being carried out. Since potential compensation measures aim at particularly threatened species or habitats, a full set of biologists are in the field for a few months now. Many endemic, protected and endangered species were already identified. Check them out!

Golden-striped Salamander (Chioglossa lusitanica)

Conservation status: vulnerable; Iberian endemism

Iberian Painted Frog (Discoglossus galganoi)

Conservation status: least concern; Iberian endemism

Iberian Newt (Lissotriton boscai)

Conservation status: least concern; Iberian endemism

Schreiber's Green Lizard (Lacerta schreiberi)

Conservation status: near threatened; Iberian endemism

Iberian Frog (Rana iberica)

Conservation status: near threatened; Iberian endemism