We have developed an innovative Web App for your desktop and mobile devices that will allow you to participate in IMPRINT+ wherever you are! Find out more!

Explore the app

The IMPRINT+ Converter

Every action causes a reaction, right? Even simple human activities, such as showering or using transportation, cause small but cumulative environmental impacts on the Planet. The IMPRINT+ Converter is a tool specifically designed to help you to reduce your personal ecological footprint by converting everyday actions into positive environmental actions. Give it a try!

IMPRINT+ App will convert actions that have negative impacts on the planet, such as:

  • Travel
  • Water consumption (showers and baths)
  • Waste
  • Paper consumption
  • Fast food consumption
  • Clothing consumption
  • Electronic devices use

Into suggestions of activities that have positive impacts on the planet:

  • Native trees planting
  • Control of invasive plants
  • Setting up wildlife shelters
  • Construction of wildlife ponds
  • Creating organic vegetable gardens
  • Garbage removal

Interact with the IMPRINT+ community

IMPRINT+ is all about creating vibrant and active local communities. Use the features REPORT, COMPENSATE and ACTIVITIES to share your actions and see what other users are doing!

And the winners are...

Earn IMPRINT+ points and improve your eco-ranking, by submitting new reports, compensation actions or by sharing in social networks! All points will be crucial to determine the IMPRINT+ champion in each country! What’s your score?


Read our frequently asked questions and if you still have doubts please contact us.


1. What is the IMPRINT+ Converter?

The IMPRINT+ Converter allows the conversion of everyday actions into positive environmental actions. It is a tool developed to highlight the fact that all of us in everyday routines, negativity affect the planet in small but cumulative ways. Therefore, it is vital to counterbalance our impacts by carrying out positive actions towards the environment.

2. Who can use the IMPRINT+ Converter?

Anyone can use the IMPRINT+ Converter to simulate compensation actions.

3. Is the IMPRINT+ Converter a measure of my Ecological Footprint?

The IMPRINT+ Converter allows the conversion of everyday actions into positive environmental actions. It is a tool developed to highlight the fact that all of us in our everyday routines, negatively affect the planet in small but cumulative ways. Therefore, it is vital to offest our impacts by carrying out positive actions that will benefit the environment.

4. What are the concepts behind the conversions?

The main idea is that all human actions directly or indirectly consume natural resources and produce waste. This in turn has an impact on species, habitats, ecosystems, climate, etc. Therefore, to be more sustainable, humans need to restore these natural resources, offsetting their impacts through positive actions.

5. If I follow the suggestions of the IMPRINT+ Converter, does it means that I will neutralize my environmental impact?

No, it does not mean that your impact on the environment is fully neutralized. In envrionmental terms it is very difficult to determine if one positive action completely cancels out a negative action. When you implement actions suggested by the IMPRINT+ Converter you are positively contributing to the environment and ultimately the planet. These positive actions provide a wealth of benefits; Such as supporting biodiversity, improving habitat quality and quantity and reducing pollution to name a few.

6. If I follow the suggestions of the IMPRINT+ Converter does it mean that I can do whatever I want and act irresponsibly regarding my individual choices and ecological footprint, as long as I compensate the environment?

Not at all! The IMPRINT+ Converter is designed to raise awareness about environmental impacts that are caused by everyday actions. It is not a diagnostic tool that allows us to cause harm in one place, if we make up for it somewhere else. The aim of the app is to help people who want to find simple ways of conserving and protecting their natural resources.


IMPRINT+ Offset, What is it for?

The IMPRINT+ Converter allows the conversion of everyday actions into positive environmental actions. It is a tool developed to highlight the fact that all of us, through everyday activities, negativel affect the planet in small but cumulative amounts. Therefore, it is vital to offset our impact by taking positive actions towards the environment.

8. What kind of Compensation Actions can I submit?

You can submit any number of Compensation Actions within the following categories: native trees planting, control of invasive plant species, setting up wildlife shelters, creating wildlife ponds, organic vegetable gardens or picking up waste.

9. Do I earn points by using the Compensate tool?

Yes, for each submitted Compensation Action, you will gain IMPRINT+ points!


10. IMPRINT+ Report tool, what is it for?

Use Report to inform the IMPRINT+ community of the existence of areas from your observations need some kind of intervention and environmental improvement.

11. How do I assess if an area needs intervention?

The IMPRINT+ Habitat Doctor available at the IMPRINT+ website will help you making the assessment, check it out!

12. Why is it so important to contribute with Reports to the IMPRINT+ project and community?

It is extremely important because we want fix small local environmental problems and to raise environmental awareness in communities. By submitting a new Report you are informing your community that there is potential to resolve an environmental issue. This will make a small but important contribution towards a more sustainable future!

13. Do I earn points by using the Report tool?

Yes, for each new Report, you will gain IMPRINT+ points!


14. IMPRINT Activities tool, what is it for?

Use the Activities tool to see all submitted Reports and Compensation Actions by the IMPRINT+ community. Use this tool to find unresolved Reports where, perhaps, you can implement your Compensation Actions!


15. How do I earn IMPRINT+ points?

Points are earned by answering the initial eco-ranking questionnaire available at your IMPRINT+ profile, by submitting Reports, Compensations and by sharing your actions on social media.

16. What is the IMPRINT+ Eco-ranking?

It is the section where you will see your ranking according to your points in the IMPRINT+ project and discover who are the IMPRINT+ champions of each participating country!