Here you can download the official IMPRINT+ reports. The initial research report is divided in three parts. You can download each part separately or the whole document, as you prefer! The project’s final report will be available in 2018.
IMPRINT+: Beiträge, um die Gesellschaft durch Engagement und Bildung junger Menschen an eine ökologische Denkweise heranzuführen.
DownloadIMPRINT+: contributions towards imprinting an ecological reasoning on society through the engagement and education of the youth.
DownloadIMPRINTING SUSTAINABILITY: From Theory to Practice. Full Research Report For IMPRINT+ Project (high)
DownloadIMPRINTING SUSTAINABILITY: From Theory to Practice. Full Research Report For IMPRINT+ Project (low)
DownloadPart I from IMPRINT+ research report: "Environmental Sustainability Framework: An Overview". Basic introductory theory and data.
DownloadPART II – IMPRINT+ CASE STUDIES. Part II presents an overview of selected project case studies.
DownloadPART III IMPRINT+ PRACTICAL GUIDELINES FOR OFFSETTING ACTIONS. Part III is all about action and getting your hands dirty!
DownloadIMPRINT+ : contributions à l'impression d'un raisonnement écologique sur la société par l'engagement et l'éducation des jeunes.
DownloadIMPRINT+: contributi alla creazione di una mentalità ecologica nella società attraverso l’impegno e l’istruzione rivolta ai giovani.
DownloadIMPRINT+: contributos para a promoção de uma consciência ecológica na sociedade através do envolvimento e educação de jovens